Pandemonium Delirium Trilogy Lauren Oliver Books

Pandemonium Delirium Trilogy Lauren Oliver Books
What a wonderful follow up novel to Lauren Oliver's dystopian, Delirium. Where many sequels flounder or just fall flat, Pandemonium delivers and grows on its predecessor. The novel is split into alternating chapters of "then" and "now". The "then" chapters complete the tale of what happens to Lena after Delirium finishes and she is fighting to escape and survive in the Wilds without Alex. The "now" chapters show Lena back in society as a Resistance agent.Delirium left you on such a cliffhanger, I needed to know what happened next. Oliver managed to deliver a sequel where she strung you out the entire book before giving that information. Normally this is something that would have left me twitchy and irritated, however the book is just that good I never once felt exasperated at all. What you get is a book that isn't shy of being harsh and painful. It makes you think twice about about how we behave as individuals and shows the strength and resiliance of humanity regardless of what is thrown at them. Where Delirium explores Lena's growth and love, Pandemonium is about the darker emotions like hate and revenge all of which are still considered part of "the" disease, amor deliria nervosa.
"If he were less well trained, and less careful, he would say hate. But he can't say it; it is too close to passion, and passion is too close to love, and love is amor deliria nervosa, the deadliest of all deadly things: It is the reason for the games of pretend, for the secret selves, for the spasms in the throat."
There were many scenes in this novel that deeply impacted me, often by what Oliver leaves unsaid, once scene in particular with Raven, Blue and Lena left me in tears it was so harsh and beautiful. The writing is just superb, I can't fault it. Where Crossed so desperately tries to be poetic, deep and meaningful and falls short at the mark, Pandemonium delivers in spades. The story and writing is fluid, soulful you really empathise with the characters and can feel the hopelessness and uphill battle of trying to change their society.
Lena really grows in this novel, she states that the old Lena is dead and in some ways this definitely feels true. The new Lena is much tougher after surviving the wilds and joining the resistance. She at times seems numb and dead due to the shock of losing Alex and her entire way of life. There are a few new secondary characters introduced who are well done and really enhance Lena's journey through the Wilds and I can't not mention Julian, her new love interest. I wanted to dislike him, I really did but I just couldn't. Julian, like Lena is all about discovery, growth and acceptance that they are different to the rest of their society. He is sweet, he is genuine and I really felt for him and could see the love blossoming between them even if Lena resisted and battled it.
I can't sing this series enough praises. If you haven't read Delirium yet, please go pick it up and get as hooked on it as I am. Pandemonium is a wonderful sequel and I am on tenterhooks just waiting to see how everything comes together in the final book!

Tags : Pandemonium (Delirium Trilogy) (9780061978067): Lauren Oliver: Books,Lauren Oliver,Pandemonium (Delirium Trilogy),HarperCollins,006197806X,Dystopian,Romance - General,Social Themes - General,Government, Resistance to,Government, Resistance to;Fiction.,Love,Love stories,Love;Fiction.,Science fiction,Science fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 10-12),Fiction,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Grades 10-12 Ages 15+,Love & Romance,Monograph Series, any,Science Fiction Fantasy (Young Adult),Science fiction (Children's Teenage),TEEN'S FICTION ROMANCE,TEEN'S FICTION SCIENCE FICTION,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Dystopian,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Romance General,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes Emotions & Feelings,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Social Themes General (see also headings under Family),Young Adult FictionRomance - General,Young Adult FictionSocial Themes - Emotions & Feelings
Pandemonium Delirium Trilogy Lauren Oliver Books Reviews
I read dystopia because I love the world-building, the imaginative story telling and (in the best cases) chilling commentary on today's world. The first book, Delirium, took a solid stab at this type of storytelling, enough that I snapped up the second novel.
Which for me, was disappointing in that it focused too much on romance. If you're deciding whether you'll likely agree with me, I will note that I'm a bit jaded and generally find romance extremely dull unless it is exceptionally powerful, which this one was not.
The main storyline, life in the wild, was necessary given that Lena was in the wild ...but it was rather dull and predictable. Again, I'm not a big fan of "living in the wild" type storylines. If you are, and you're not too fussy about them being original, you might like this better than I do.
There were a few interesting new story lines, including emergence of the Delirium Free America, a right-wing-style activist group that wants to move the cure even earlier. There were some interesting aspects of this, and surprises even, which I won't reveal. But overall, this storyline and its revelations could have been handled much more skillfully.
Some people didn't like the ending. My opinion is that it was okay but it did take the storyline in a direction I didn't think was that interesting for the third book in the trilogy.
Overall, I would say if you liked the angle of Lena in love in the first novel, and you would like more of Lena in love, you'll like this book. If you were more interested in the dystopia side of the story, only buy this if you don't have other better books to read.
Wow, this is the fastest I've ever read a sequel after I finished the first book in a long time. I usually don't like reading all the books in a series right after one another, but I've become so hooked into this world that Lauren Oliver has created. I almost don't want to start Requiem, knowing that it's the last one! But, ummm, I kind of HAVE TO after that crazy, intense cliffhanger (yes, another one). I'm actually a fan of cliffhangers, because they make me more motivated to continue on in the series, but I hate feeling like this! I love this series so much...I just want to know what happens already. But, at the same time, don't want it to end.
I hate writing reviews of sequels for some reason, so this is going to be pretty short. I only rated it four stars because I found that some of the magic from the first book was missing in this one. I liked the slow-building tension and plot of the first one, and that there wasn't so much action. So, while I appreciated the fact that Lena's character seriously grows and has way more depth in this book, I didn't totally like that it was action-packed the entire time. Although it did kind of work, and I do think that it was necessary in how it was able to move the series along.
I also really did not enjoy how this book was split into alternating time periods ("then" and "now"). I was super interested in what was happening and in the "now," but, while the "then" stuff is super important and has some great characters and character development going on, it just seemed less crucial since you already kind of know what's going to happen because you're reading the "now" chapters in between.
And I did not like Julian. Don't get me wrong...he's great as a character and a cool addition to the story considering who he is, but to have a new love interest so soon after my heart was freaking RIPPED OUT OF MY CHEST during the ending of the last book was just too much. I didn't quite believe that Lena was able to move on from Alex so quickly. She did have some emotional tension with that, but it just didn't seem like enough to me. I mean, I was more upset about it than she was, haha!
What a wonderful follow up novel to Lauren Oliver's dystopian, Delirium. Where many sequels flounder or just fall flat, Pandemonium delivers and grows on its predecessor. The novel is split into alternating chapters of "then" and "now". The "then" chapters complete the tale of what happens to Lena after Delirium finishes and she is fighting to escape and survive in the Wilds without Alex. The "now" chapters show Lena back in society as a Resistance agent.
Delirium left you on such a cliffhanger, I needed to know what happened next. Oliver managed to deliver a sequel where she strung you out the entire book before giving that information. Normally this is something that would have left me twitchy and irritated, however the book is just that good I never once felt exasperated at all. What you get is a book that isn't shy of being harsh and painful. It makes you think twice about about how we behave as individuals and shows the strength and resiliance of humanity regardless of what is thrown at them. Where Delirium explores Lena's growth and love, Pandemonium is about the darker emotions like hate and revenge all of which are still considered part of "the" disease, amor deliria nervosa.
"If he were less well trained, and less careful, he would say hate. But he can't say it; it is too close to passion, and passion is too close to love, and love is amor deliria nervosa, the deadliest of all deadly things It is the reason for the games of pretend, for the secret selves, for the spasms in the throat."
There were many scenes in this novel that deeply impacted me, often by what Oliver leaves unsaid, once scene in particular with Raven, Blue and Lena left me in tears it was so harsh and beautiful. The writing is just superb, I can't fault it. Where Crossed so desperately tries to be poetic, deep and meaningful and falls short at the mark, Pandemonium delivers in spades. The story and writing is fluid, soulful you really empathise with the characters and can feel the hopelessness and uphill battle of trying to change their society.
Lena really grows in this novel, she states that the old Lena is dead and in some ways this definitely feels true. The new Lena is much tougher after surviving the wilds and joining the resistance. She at times seems numb and dead due to the shock of losing Alex and her entire way of life. There are a few new secondary characters introduced who are well done and really enhance Lena's journey through the Wilds and I can't not mention Julian, her new love interest. I wanted to dislike him, I really did but I just couldn't. Julian, like Lena is all about discovery, growth and acceptance that they are different to the rest of their society. He is sweet, he is genuine and I really felt for him and could see the love blossoming between them even if Lena resisted and battled it.
I can't sing this series enough praises. If you haven't read Delirium yet, please go pick it up and get as hooked on it as I am. Pandemonium is a wonderful sequel and I am on tenterhooks just waiting to see how everything comes together in the final book!

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